Ringing gone wrong

I stood on top of my world. I was drunk with ambition for I had seen men do insanity with dexterity and get a recompense in all sincerity. The pinnacle was about 20ft tall and very close to the woodworks.
Everyone could see me, cameras and phones beautified the arena: The creatures were just waiting for a manifestation. I had gotten a part of what I wanted, attention coupled with curiosity in the heart of humanity. "what does he wanna do", "hope this man is alright", "are you sure this isn't suicide", I could read from the lips of men. Eventually, I gave them what they wanted and what I planned; I jumped.
I fell from the height without a scare of death for I was already dead - unemployed, not married, staying under the bridge and all other accessories. "_wharsh_", I got a soft landing... Then I slept off and woke up into reality.

I opened my eyes to beholding the arrows from the sun. It was so intense but then something stood in front and block my vision of the big giant. It was a lion!!! The red eyes, big teeth, huge jaws, hairy body. I thought I was on my bed - the paddings of the bush took me for a fool. So I fell! This was falling gone wrong.
Then I recalled - I was sent to repair the spoilt light of the central watchtower of a zoo. I was supposed to go left but I opted for right. Climbing the tower, having the "prince of Persia" as a movie model, I just wanted to enjoy a reality I could do and no just to watch.
"I am dead" - I muffled... I knew today was the day which will be my last day. I was waiting for the god of death to start this engine and end the life of a confused man. Interestingly, the lion and lioness left. It was still half time.
I stood up and was still wondering what had happened when I herald the noise of claps and sounds of men shouting like dogs and goats. This was fame gone right, being a breaking news is not a joke. I was so happy for I did it in the wrong place but still got the right answer. I could see the bursting forth of injuries with rivers of red waters rushing down, but do I care? As I tried to leave the camp, I shrugged through the short door and made the way to the main entrance of the den.
As I was about to open the door, I saw a conspicuous bell. I had never seen one before in my life, except in movies of course. I rang the bell thrice. Suddenly, the ground was shaking as I could feel the pillars sweating and the building echoing sorrow. It was the feet of the monsters and the awful snort of their mouth. As they paced towards me, I looked up to see Confusion waking up Death and telling him "it's today". Death turned to me, smiled and whistled full time.


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