Episode 07 - Leemao

Episode 07 - Leemao 

He lied on the floor as his dad kept landing blows with both fists to his face. He was bleeding all over, the thoughts of why he didn't just stay in school kept coming to his mind. He shouted begging his dad, but he was more than ready to kill him.
It all started one summer, my boys said we should go jogging through a distance of about fifteen kilometres. I laughed at them with the thoughts of how that could even be possible. Then I saw Olamide, the girl I've had a crush on, from my first year in the University. 
She was the complete definition of a woman: beautiful to behold; meticulous in intelligence and dramatic in dexterity; her agile yet fragile body blend with the figure eight shape and her perfect, well carved curves. I'd give her a ten anytime, any day. Olamide took a swipe at Jeff, my best friend and asked if we were going for a jog. I immediately replied yes. I couldn't imagine what came over me; whether it was the feeling of impressing her my own way, or it was just my brain sending uncoordinated reflexes on its own accord. Olamide was so excited and said she'll be joining us. Then I knew my life would be ruined. But funny me, I got dressed and came along with the boys. We decided to stop by, to get some refreshments for the aftermath. Olamide was not far from reach, so I humbly asked her what she would like to take, but shockingly, she just said water. I was amazed because I already bought drinks, doughnuts, an egg roll and some buns. I totally forgot that no one eats that much after jogging. I felt so bad as the boys laughed so hard at me. I was left to carry all the load, and we started our journey. At first, it seemed so easy, I even jogged backwards looking at Olamide excitedly until I hit my foot on a stone and fell so hard. This was the most painful thing that ever happened to me. Just imagine, falling right in front of your crush? Gosh, I could almost weep. Jeff and Segun lifted me up, trying to console me. Then I heard Olamide's voice piercing through the winds into my heart, bringing calmness to my soul and numbness to my pain. She asked if I was okay and I replied "perfectly good.", which was not so, as the case may be.
 Slowly, speed began to depreciate and dissipate. My energy was almost gone: I already burned up all the glycogen and any other energy store in me and here I was, still trying to smile. We rested a bit, before continuing the journey. After sone few minutes I began to walk; a man that cannot kill himself. Again, the guys were far ahead of me. At the end, I reached the goal after 4 hours. On getting there, I saw Jeff and Olamide sitting opposite each other, playing chess. "Who plays chess after jogging" I thought. 
The stupid me decided to join the game. I was knocked out in a minute by Jeff. That was the third time I would be disgraced, in Olamide's presence on the same day. I made a vow never to crush on anyone again. We played a lot and time kept speeding by our side. When it was time to go home, I realized it was past 7pm in the night. I looked for different excuses to tell dad but nothing reasonable came to mind. Thus, I decided to play safe by telling him that I fainted and was taken to the hospital. 
 On getting home, Dad was waiting patiently for the smell of me. He was like a lion anticipating, waiting and watching for his prey.  I bounced in with confidence that my lie would make him feel sorry for me. I opened the door and the next thing I heard was a deep trembling voice "WHERE ARE YOU COMING FROM!"  I replied with a shaky and stammering voice "frr frrr frrrroo frrrooom tttthe..." Before I could complete my sentence, My father landed a slap on me. I hit the ground instantly. Punches upon punches visited my face. I tried so hard to block them but was to no avail. He brought out his koboko and beat the daylights out of me.
 You want to know what happened to me after that??  Well, I didn't die but got a black eye and say a thousand marks all over my body. I will gladly show you if any day you see me. 
 As for Olamide, the crush or whatever I had for her completely disappeared and was left to drown to the bottom of a blue sea.

Comments, recommendations or appreciations? Don't forget to drop them in the comment section. Thanks.

Written by: Kolawole Setemi Precious 
Edited by: Livingwitness writers
Copyright of Livingwitness. 


  1. Wow, wow and wow. This got me laughing, for I once had the same experience although I had no crush to boast to. I'm glad I perused this episode, looking up to subsequent ones.


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