Episode 09 — Was it the rain?

Episode 09 — Was it the rain? 

It was a breezy Saturday evening. The cloud was dark and thick that it rumbled steadily. My 13year old self was already so excited of the rain party which would go down that evening if it rained eventually. Some clouds dribbled but fumbled and would not bring rain. I hoped this one would not disappoint. 
'Junior, have you drank that agbo (herbal mix) I left on your table since yesterday?', my mummy asked in a really serious tone, entering the living room where I was, glued to the TV screen.
'erm...um..', I stuttered
'Oor, you're doing yourself o, something that you'll just pour inside that stainless cup and gulp it down, if you like be complaining of headache o, you hear?' she sat down on the three-seater sofa. The weather was not only great for a rain party, it was superb for watching a favorite movie all cuddled up.
'Ewo tun le leyii? Which one is this one?', she asked, as though she was truly interested in the animation I was enjoying.
'ermm...Naruto...It's a cartoon', I tried to concentrate on answering her and watching at the same time. Naruto was my best animation, no other anime caught my fancy better than Naruto.
Drop, drop, drop, the rain descended in a proud entrance as it didn't even drizzle before the thick rain sticks fell. It was in fact, a heavy downpour. In my mind, I was praying for the killjoy NEPA folks to not burst my bubble by turning off the power supply from their end, because that was what they were good at the most. Mummy dashed to the room to pull down the curtains and tucked into blankets. I bet she knew how to enjoy life too. 
Five minutes passed and the power supply was still on, yet the rain never dropped it's intensity of a downpour. 'wow thank God o', I said to myself as I got up from the cold tiles, went into my room to pick a blanket, came back to the living room and jumped onto the sofa facing the TV as I hurriedly cuddled inside the blanket that hugged me tight, my eyes turned towards the TV to continue my movie spree. Immediately I turned to the screen, the TV went blank and black, like a brand new one. NEPA! They have done it again. I was pissed and angry. Mostly, at myself, for ever trusting NEPA, the killjoy number one and bubble burster of the Nigeria People. 
I marched grumbly to switch off all switchables, then I went back to my favorite sofa, my hands folded on my cheek until a reminder came. The rain was still falling! I immediately remembered the promise I made to myself, my rain party promise! An excited me dashed out of the house, into the compound and I began to dance and shout and play in the rain. It was a party indeed, a party without Mirinda and Miranda. It was just me and the rain, having all the fun in the world. Little did I know of the pair of eyes staring at me from the window. 'Junior! What are you doing? Will you get inside!?' 
My my, the shout was louder than the rain. My little brain hinted my tiny legs to obey and not even think about protesting. 
It was 8pm that same Saturday and my shivering and headache was no small disturbance. My dad was away on weekend matters so it was just my loving mother and me. She sat beside me with a cupfull of the rejected herb in her hands complaining and saying, 'drink agbo, drink agbo, you will not hear. Now, you are complaining of one headache and cold, if you like don't finish this one, alakoba omo(a child that wants to put one into trouble).
My question is, was the headache caused by my non refusal to drink the herb?

Comments, recommendations or suggestions? Drop them in the comment box. Thank you for having me. 

Written by; Taiwo Olamide. She is a seasoned reader and a prolific writer. She owns a blog - agapesignatory.blogspot.com where are articles grace the sun and the air is lucky to have her. Do well to check it out. 
Edited by; Livingwitness writers 
Copyright of Livingwitness. 


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