Episode 08 - When I Was Twelve

Episode 08 - When I Was Twelve 

The phone rang. I stood up from where I was reading in the dining and quickly ran to give him his phone outside, where he was gisting with my mum. "Daddy, Big Mummy is calling you." I gave him the phone.
Answering the call, my dad started a discussion with his sister.
"Hello my Aunt, hope you're doing well, how about my younger ones." He continued in our native language, Yoruba. 
"Ola, please put this cup inside for me." My mother said as I was about to go inside. I took the cup from her and took it inside.
After about five hours, it was 10:00pm, my parents were already within the building. He informed us that Mrs Adeniyi, his sister, would be visiting on the morrow. Astonished and elated, with strong passion and rigour, we were moved to arrange and rearrange the whole house, especially the guest room. 
We couldn't sleep early that night as we anticipated their arrival the next day. 
The D-day came. Since it was during the holiday, my dad was at the back of the house, working on his small-sized farm. I was still sleeping as I slept late the previous night. 
'Ola!' My mother shouted. 
'Ola!!' She screamed again. 
"Yes mum," I grudgingly replied. I was still enjoying the sleep but I had no other choice than to answer, so I stood up from the bed.
"Your dad said you should come and collect something."
I was not happy because I thought he would want me to help weed his farm. 
On getting to the farm, he handed over a very big Okete (also known as a bush rat). 
"You must come back to carry these yams after you give this to your mother." He said, pointing to where the yams were. I took the okete inside, gave it to my mum, then I called my younger sister to join me in carrying the yams.
Unknown to me, she never followed: she was so engrossed in a movie she was watching. After packing the few yams that I could carry from the farm, I headed for the house. On getting to the door I realized that the door was locked. By mistake, I had closed it forcefully which affected the integrity of the lock. 
"Tomi....Tomi, please come and open the door for me." I quietly called on my sister because I didn't want my mum to hear as she might want to beat me for not handling the door well. Because of the movie she was watching, she did not answer me on time. When she finally opened up, I didn't act as if I was disappointed but when I was to go out the second time, to carry the remaining yams. I removed the main light fuse so it would seem as if there was no light again.
Later in the evening, we started to prepare the dishes. Many times I was sent on errands; countless times, my sister did the washing. It was not easy trying to host visitors and give them a taste they would remember for life. We were still pounding the yams when Inioluwa and Juwon came in, together with their mother. I was so happy seeing them. It was not because of their presence, rather, it was the yummy, sumptuous, and mouth watering pieces of meat that I would devour. This kind of delicacies were only reserved for special days and on august occasions. 
The dining room had a capacity for six people. My parents and Big mummy stayed in the sitting room while the rest of us ate in the dining.
All of a sudden, I heard a sound, then I sensed a change in the atmosphere. It was a fart! My younger sister decided to punish me because she knew I wouldn't eat again if such happened. I was so pained but there was nothing I could do. 
"What is wrong. What happened to you." Juwon, who was two years older than me said. 
"Nothing, I'm fine." I smiled in pretence. Then I turned to my brother and gave him a wicked look. 
"Wait a minute. How come there is no light when every other buildings have light." Dad said. 
Then I remembered! I forgot to put back the fuse. 
"Let me go and change the line." I volunteered. 
"Don't worry, I will." He said. I quickly ran after him. 
He got to entrance and saw it was not there. He gave me a terrible look, one that shows my punishment has been postponed to a later date. I was so bitter at myself. 
Well, weeks passed, he forgot about the incident. Until one afternoon when light went off suddenly.
"Should I change the line." 
"Yes," He dropped the cup that was in his right hand. 
"Bring a cane along when you are coming back."
My mouth was wide open. I couldn't close it. I knew I was in deep trouble.

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Written by; Dada Oluwatoyosi
Edited by; Livingwitness writers 
Copyright of Livingwitness 
